One stop solution for all Vulkan samples
翻译 - 一站式解决方案,适用于所有Vulkan样品
A modern C++17 glTF 2.0 library focused on speed, correctness, and usability
WebKit's positions on emerging web specifications
Tiny C++ SPIR-V virtual machine (interpreter), can be used for shader debugging. Spvm-ShaderToy simulated the runtime environment of shadertoy, and execute shader code using SPVM.
Repository with code samples for "API without Secrets: The Practical Approach to Vulkan" series of articles.
Single header "no-allocation" KTX/DDS file reader
#IOS#Khronos glTF Viewer for iOS
Learning Vulkan from code samples - Tutorial series
Fix OpenCL detection and performance issues on AMD Radeon GPU's by registering Installable Client Driver (ICD) files.
Set of guidelines for porting OpenCL™ C to OpenCL C++
The open source intelligent personal assistant
Low-overhead Vulkan API bindings for .NET 5 and C# 9