🏖️ The safer and faster ECMA5.1 interpreter written by JavaScript
Opcode calculator / ASM calculator
Tiny C++ SPIR-V virtual machine (interpreter), can be used for shader debugging. Spvm-ShaderToy simulated the runtime environment of shadertoy, and execute shader code using SPVM.
#计算机科学#基于机器学习的 Webshell 检测 (OPCode -> N-Gram -> TF-IDF -> XGBoost)
#计算机科学#Detecting Malware in PE files
Super scalar Processor design
X86 Opcode and Instruction Reference
This is Bitcoin project what I did so far. I completed Join PSBT, BTC Non-Custodial Staking, MultiSig Wallet(Taproot, Native Segwit), Ordinal Inscribe | Mint, Rune Airdrop | Recursive | Reinscribe | E...
A python script for generating enums with opcode constants based on YAML file definition
HackElite Club of IIIT Bhagalpur is introducing a Open-Source Project KeyLogger5155. This is a GUI Keylogger application built purely in Python3. It can record all the key stokes, Copy Clipboard Data...
#编辑器#This is a microcode editor for Baffa-1 HomebrewCPU Minicomputer
React project designed to empower React developers from IIIT Bhagalpur by providing a platform to showcase their profiles and enhance their visibility.