Water Monitoring System is an IOT based Liquid Level Monitoring system that has mechanisms to keep the user alerted in case of liquid overflow or when tank depletes.
翻译 - 水监控系统是一种基于物联网的液位监控系统,具有在液体溢出或水箱耗尽时向用户发出警报的机制。
Arduino library for HC-SR04, HC-SRF05, DYP-ME007, BLJ-ME007Y, JSN-SR04T ultrasonic ranging sensor
Intelligent Navigation System of mobile robot with ten Ultrasonic sensors, user interface via C# Windows Form Application, instructions and videos on how to assemble mobile robotic platform
Matlab implementation of Neural Networks Results for Alarm-Warning Control System of mobile robot with five Ultrasonic sensors
System that detects danger levels relative to drivers. Once a driver overpasses a biker, the system detects this unauthorised act, and responds by recognising the car plate in order to contact law enf...
Ultrasonic library for ESP32
Hardware project which uses Pi camera and mobileNet SSD to classify obstacles and measure distance using ultrasonic sensors. Conversion of obstacle detected as a warning signal in speech using espeak...
A robot which is used for detecting obstacles and avoiding the collision.
#区块链#Secure blockchain encryption demonstrated through embedded system autonomous cars using Xbee, ultrasonic sensors, and LIDAR sensors (Raspberry Pi side, OOP Python) Arduino side: https://github.com/nat...
An uber unique idea to digitalize handwriting on a chalkboard or whiteboard fitted with our sensors using Arduino UNO and ultrasonic sensors.
The code of obstacle avoiding drone implemented on raspberry pi 3 using four ultrasonic sensors(ping sensors).
A small robot car which is able to detect obstacles in its way and avoid them.
Animolz Feeder (Automatic Cat Feeder with Ultrasonic Sensor / Pemberi makan kucing otomatis dengan sensor ultrasonik) Arduino Project by Audi, Imam & Coedotz
🚗 An autonomous robot navigating its way to the future through ultrasonic sensors
Drop your luck and find out in real time how many seats your public transport has available.
The purpose of this project is to build a tool which can control media playback in PC using ultrasonic sensors. Using Arduino to interact between ultrasonic senor and computer. The Arduino can be conn...
#计算机科学#This project had two main parts. The initial part of the project was to program a remote-controlled car to be controlled by a variety of controllers. The second part of the project was to program the ...
Code for autonomous bipedal robot that uses ultrasonic sensors and servo motors to "sumo-wrestle" other robots out of an arena.