Automatic pet feeder. It can be timed and managed online. ESP8266 nodemcu project.
ESP32 (and remaining hardware) part of the DualCatFeeder project.
Sistema Arduino para comedouro de gatos. Projeto desenvolvido para o IFBA de Jacobina.
Animolz Feeder (Automatic Cat Feeder with Ultrasonic Sensor / Pemberi makan kucing otomatis dengan sensor ultrasonik) Arduino Project by Audi, Imam & Coedotz
An Internet-of-Things cat feeder project.
This project is part of the Microprocessor System Course CPE-213 and Microprocessor System Laboratory CPE-214, Academic Year 1/2024. Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Thailand.
Double relay command through an ESP8266 from Jeedom
This is the hardware description of the cat feeder project.
The dissertation I did for my BCs in Automation, Information and Control Engineering for the Technical University of Sofia