extrakto for tmux - quickly select, copy/insert/complete text without a mouse
#编辑器#杭州市余杭区最好用的 VIM/NVIM 代码补全插件
#编辑器#Complete parameter after select the completion. Integration with YouCompleteMe(ycm), deoplete, neocomplete.
A multi-tenant Laravel app for listing property rentals
The Complete Street Rule for ArcGIS CityEngine is a scenario oriented design tool intended to enable users to quickly create procedurally generated multimodal streets.
🐠 Configurable fzf completions for fish shell
ROS implementation of online complete coverage maneuvering for unmanned surface vehicles
YAF(Yet Another Framework)源码PHP移植版,同时提供了IDE Helper Doc的能力💡💡💡
#编辑器#A code-completion engine with easy for Vim and Neovim.
Order and orientation of complete bacterial genomes
React Native library for utilizing Google's Autocomplete for Places.
🧠 A simple, fully documented neural network library created for educational purposes, heavily inspired by the `ai` package.
#计算机科学#Curated list of awesome deep learning resources for complete noobs like you and myself lol!
A multi-shell completion bridge.
A WordPress php library for interacting with the IDX Broker API.
A plain-JavaScript, no-external-references, music-player-management library.
MEAN - MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node - A Practical Workshop