XIAOJUSURVEY is an enterprises form builder and analytics platform that allows users to create questionnaires, exams, polls, quizzes, and analyze data online.
Synchronous Readline for interactively running to have a conversation with the user via a console(TTY).
#IOS#iOS (swift, objc)개발을 하면서 알게된 질문과 답변 모음.😀
#自然语言处理#Extraction of the journalistic five W and one H questions (5W1H) from news articles: who did what, when, where, why, and how?
#面试#Interview Question for Android / 안드로이드 면접 질문
#算法刷题#Сборник практических вопросов, задач разного уровня сложности, сниппетов (утилит, вспомогательных функций), а также полезные ссылки по JavaScript
翻译 - 实用问题,不同难度级别的任务,摘要(实用程序,辅助功能)以及JavaScript上有用链接的集合
Elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight notification plugin implemented for Vue 2 of iziToast
FAQ-based Question Answering System using BERT
Biggest VIT Vellore Previous Year Question Papers Bank | Question Papers | PYQ | CATs | FATs | VIT Chennai | VIT Bhopal | VIT AP | 650+ Papers | 150+ Courses | VIT Vellore Question Bank | VIT Previou...
KPQA is an evaluation metric for generative question answering. (NAACL-21)
Modern, Minimalistic Discussion Software
بوت إسلامي للتيليجرام يرسل قرآن و أذكار وفيدوهات الخ.. بشكل تلقائي ✅