A new command line tool and developer framework for scaffolding out GitHub projects. Generate offers the robustness and configurability of Yeoman, the expressiveness and simplicity of Slush, and more ...
🦔 CLI for restoring the letter «ё» (yo) in russian texts
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Generate a .gitignore file from the command line when Generate's CLI is installed globally, or use as a plugin or sub-generator in your own generator.
Generate a license file from the command line when Generate is installed globally, or use this generator as a plugin or sub-generator in your own generator project.
♻️ micro-generator for individual files, easy like sunday morning 🌅
А node.js module for restoring the letter «ё» (yo) in russian texts
Use as a sub-generator or plugin in your generator to create a package.json for a project. Or install globally and run with Generate's CLI.
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Generator for developing with latest LitElement
Generate a contributing.md file for a project. Can also be used as a building block to add this functionality to another generator.
Скрипт для Википедии, позволяющий выполнять ёфикацию статей в полуавтоматическом режиме