GPU-accelerated force graph layout and rendering
A Burp Suite content discovery plugin that add the smart into the Buster!
Light NodeJS rate limiting and response delaying using Redis - including Express middleware.
From-scratch implementation of physically simulated character animation with proportional-integral-derivative controllers (PID)
Salesforce REST API toolkit for .NET Standard and .NET Core
Wifi Bruteforce (WiBr) is a wifi cracking tool written in c#.
Enable Night Shift on any old Mac models.
ApexUnit is a powerful continuous integration tool for the platform
Minecraft Server (Bukkit, Spigot, Paper) backdoor, using ow2 asm
#区块链#JavaScript Library to access and develop dApps on Effect Network.
Utility for making windows always be on top, forcefully.
Send realtime Windows Login Audit trail to Telegram messenger
A dictionary attack implementation, for the automated cracking of password-protected RAR files with the help of a supplied dictionary file. This project was created for experimental/observational purp...
#安全#Perform MiTM attack and remove encryption on Windows Remote Registry Protocol.
A natural attraction/repulsion force type for the d3-force simulation engine
A simple C# GUI interface that will allow Automatic login to a web page and can brute force the passwords on most web pages.