#编辑器#🌠 Dark powered asynchronous completion framework for neovim/Vim8
翻译 - :stars:用于neovim / Vim8的黑暗动力异步完成框架
#编辑器#Database autocompletion powered by https://github.com/tpope/vim-dadbod
#编辑器#Elixir Integration Into Vim
#编辑器#A Modern, Powerful & Modular Vim Distribution | Archived, see notice: https://ry.sb/evervim-archive
#编辑器#Vim plugin for insert mode completion of words in adjacent tmux panes
#编辑器#杭州市余杭区最好用的 VIM/NVIM 代码补全插件
Asynchronous Go completion for Neovim. deoplete source for Go.
#编辑器#Complete parameter after select the completion. Integration with YouCompleteMe(ycm), deoplete, neocomplete.
deoplete.nvim source for C/C++/Obj-C/Obj-C++ with clang-python3
Rust completion for Neovim (Deoplete) via Racer
#编辑器#Autocompletion for Swift in NeoVim with deoplete.
deoplete.nvim source for Ruby with solargraph.
Async Clojure Completion for various (n)vim completion engines
#编辑器#My neovim configuration (as my full dotfiles are managed by YADM and are private)