Simulate the path planning and trajectory planning of quadrotors/UAVs.
Aerial Gym Simulator - Isaac Gym Simulator for Aerial Robots
This repository contains notes and assignment for the University of Pennsylvania/Coursera in the Robotics Specialization: Aerial Robotics. If you are student in this course, please do not plagiarize t...
Fast Incremental Euclidean Distance Fields for Online Motion Planning of Aerial Robots
This repository includes all programming assignments solved while attending Coursera's Aerial Robotics course
Leveraging system development and robot deployment for aerial autonomous navigation.
Forked from VINS-Mono:
Photogrammetry Guide. Photogrammetry is widely used for Aerial surveying, Agriculture, Architecture, 3D Games, Robotics, Archaeology, Construction, Emergency management, and Medical.
Contains files for the Aerial Robotics MOOC on Coursera, taught by Prof Vijay Kumar at UPenn
Forked from Vins-Fusion:
Tightly coupled GNSS-Visual-Inertial system for locally smooth and globally consistent state estimation in complex environment.
An Efficient Framework for Fast UAV Exploration
Bezier Trajectory Generation for Autonomous Quadrotor, ICRA 2018
This is a monocular dense mapping system corresponding to IROS 2018 "Quadtree-accelerated Real-time Monocular Dense Mapping"
This repository provides PyTorch implementation for 3DV 2018 paper "MVDepthNet: real-time multiview depth estimation neural network"
Online Monocular Lane Mapping Using Catmull-Rom Spline (IROS 2023)
Implementation of the paper "Safe Trajectory Generation For Complex Urban Environments Using Spatio-temporal Semantic Corridor".
A Prediction-boosted Planner for Fast and High-quality Autonomous Aerial Reconstruction.
A Robust and Versatile Monocular Visual-Inertial State Estimator
翻译 - 鲁棒且多功能的单眼视觉惯性状态估计器
Trajectory generation on point clouds
Mini PX4 for UAV Group
An optimization-based multi-sensor state estimator
翻译 - 基于优化的多传感器状态估计器
A robust UAV local planner based on the ICRA2020 paper: Robust Real-time UAV Replanning Using Guided Gradient-based Optimization and Topological Paths
A driver for u-blox receiver (ZED-F9P) with ros support
A Robust and Efficient Trajectory Planner for Quadrotors
翻译 - 四旋翼的鲁棒高效的轨迹规划器
Advanced implementation of LOAM
翻译 - LOAM的高级实现