a Cross-Platform, 2D Survival Sandbox Game Project. Based on C++17/cmake/OpenGL/SQLite3.
翻译 - 一个跨平台的2D Survival Sandbox游戏项目。基于C ++ 17 / cmake / OpenGL / SQLite3。
Plug and play SDL2 + GLAD + imgui already configured for you 😘! You don't even need to know CMake!
Minimal and simple OpenGL starter project using modern CMake and CPM.
CLion project template for LearnOpenGL tutorials
Open Source Game Engine Project
Simple game engnine, that better than SFML and SDL
Terrain generator with 5 visually distinct biomes, spread them in regions and smooth their borders
OpenGL baselayer library in C++
Basic Dear ImGUI Project Template based on OpenGL+GLFW+GLAD