Python bindings to the pointcloud library (pcl)
A PostgreSQL extension for storing point cloud (LIDAR) data.
Papers and Datasets about Point Cloud.
Converts a 3D Point Cloud into a 2D laser scan.
A ros tool for converting Robosense pointcloud to Velodyne pointcloud format.
Trajectory generation on point clouds
A point cloud segmentation algorithm based on clustering analysis
C++ application to convert pcd file, ply file, txt file or xyz point cloud to MESH representation (Gp3).
awesome PointCloud processing algorithm
dense pointcloud version ORB_SLAM2_dense
PointNet and GCNs for pointcloud classification.
Pointcloud-based graph SLAM written in C++ using open3D library.
Blender importer of meshroom datafiles: cameras, images, sparse pointcloud and obj's.
Convert massive pointcloud, for example ahn2 (640 Billion points) to potree format.
Benchmarking and Analyzing Point Cloud Perception Robustness under Corruptions
Wrapper for Mikhail Belkin et. al's Pointcloud LB operator. Not dependent on PCL
Efficient Large-Scale Point-Cloud Viewer based on OpenGL
Python Photogrammetry Toolbox (formerly osm-bundler), for rendering a 3D pointcloud from photos of an object at different angles.