A Unity library and MRTK extension for estimating and replicating the current environment's lighting on Mixed Reality devices.
翻译 - 一个Unity库和MRTK扩展,用于估计和复制Mixed Reality设备上当前环境的照明。
Graphics tools and components for developing Mixed Reality applications in Unity.
Open Sourced Mixed Reality Course Curriculum.
This repo is a "Drawing" application is working with Microsoft Hololens-2 Mixed Reality glasses, that application developed in Unity UWP.
Mixed reality training project for Microsoft Hololens & Unity 3D
This repo is a successful example of Mapbox API is working with Microsoft Hololens-2 glasses, that application developed in Unity UWP.
HoloLens 2 Collaborative Mixed Reality Application. This repository serves as a documentation source for our development of mutli-user mixed reality environments designed for the Hololens 2. Unique C#...
An Augmented Reality experience for Hololens using Unity
Unity WebGL 微信小游戏适配方案
#计算机科学#OpenPose's Unity Plugin for Unity users
翻译 - 适用于Unity用户的OpenPose Unity插件
Reactive Extensions for Unity
翻译 - 适用于Unity的反应性扩展
Unity C# reference source code.
翻译 - Unity C#参考源代码
Unity of Emuera (Unity of Emulator of Eramaker)/ Emuera Unity移植
#编辑器#Unity runtime node editor using with Unity UI.
Unity ShaderGraph project
Volumetric Lights for Unity
ChatGPT integration with Unity Editor
unity shader tutorials