#安卓#MixedReality-WebRTC is a collection of components to help mixed reality app developers integrate audio and video real-time communication into their application and improve their collaborative experien...
翻译 - MixedReality-WebRTC是一组组件的集合,可帮助混合现实应用程序开发人员将音频和视频实时通信集成到其应用程序中,并改善他们的协作体验
An extensible WebComponents library for the Spatial Web
COVID-19 Data Visualization for HoloLens2 / HoloLens / Windows Mixed Reality with MRTK
This repository contains implementation of various basic virtual reality mechanisms which one can use in their project.
This repo is a "Drawing" application is working with Microsoft Hololens-2 Mixed Reality glasses, that application developed in Unity UWP.
Tool to record and edit hand gestures with the Microsoft HoloLens 2 for in-app playback. Recordings can also be extended to possess actuation capabilities.
Use Cannon.js physics in your Spark AR projects easily!
This repo is a successful example of Mapbox API is working with Microsoft Hololens-2 glasses, that application developed in Unity UWP.
A mixed reality interface running on Microsoft HoloLens 1 device for digital twin based industrial crane operation,
Configured with URP, Input System, Shader Graph, Visual Scripting, XR Interaction Toolkit for mobile & HMD devices, etc
A variety of demos to test all Input features available with Magic Leap 2
HoloLens 2 Collaborative Mixed Reality Application. This repository serves as a documentation source for our development of mutli-user mixed reality environments designed for the Hololens 2. Unique C#...
Demo Application developed for my master thesis using Windows Mixed Reality APIs.
Demo Application I developed during my master thesis using OpenXR. Unfortunately I don't have the entire code anymore.
A novel Mixed Reality Musical Instrument (MRMI) based on Wave Terrain Synthesis
Script to interact with Near Menus and load Slide Panel with MRTK for Hololens 2
Interactive Motion Planner SERVER Application (Developed as part of my master thesis)
Sample project with MRTK pre15 that use OpenXR