This repository is for the legacy Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) v2. For the latest version of the MRTK please visit
翻译 - 混合现实工具包(MRTK)提供了一组组件和功能来加速Unity中的跨平台MR应用程序开发。
An easy-to-use XR engine for building AR and VR applications with C# and OpenXR!
#安卓#MixedReality-WebRTC is a collection of components to help mixed reality app developers integrate audio and video real-time communication into their application and improve their collaborative experien...
翻译 - MixedReality-WebRTC是一组组件的集合,可帮助混合现实应用程序开发人员将音频和视频实时通信集成到其应用程序中,并改善他们的协作体验
The MixedRealityToolkit is a collection of scripts and components intended to accelerate the development of mixed reality applications targeting Windows Mixed Reality.
翻译 - MixedRealityToolkit是脚本和组件的集合,旨在加速针对Windows Mixed Reality的混合现实应用程序的开发。
This is a MixedRealityToolkit style repository for code bits and components that may not run directly on Microsoft HoloLens or immersive headsets but instead pair with them to build experiences.
⭐ Bringing WebXR to Unity 3D ! B-)
A Unity application for receiving and rendering point clouds on Hololens and other devices.
翻译 - 用于在Hololens和其他设备上接收和渲染点云的Unity应用程序。
#安卓#Code to integrate with the Urho3D engine
#安卓#Ecere SDK (eC Language, Ecere IDE, Cross platform GUI, graphics, and more) — —
Marker tracking using the front-facing camera of HoloLens (both 1 and 2) and Unity, with a wrapper of ARToolKit built for UWP (Windows Universal Platform)
OpenXR samples and preview headers for HoloLens and Windows Mixed Reality developers familiar with Visual Studio
Mixed Reality related resources
#人脸识别#HoloLens With OpenCVforUnity Example (Support for Hololens1 and Hololens2)
A Unity hololens app to detect faces and display their attributes
Unity Video Chat SDK supports UnityEditor, Android,iOS,Windows,UWP(Hololens)