#计算机科学#Machine Learning From Scratch. Bare bones NumPy implementations of machine learning models and algorithms with a focus on accessibility. Aims to cover everything from linear regression to deep learnin...
翻译 - 从零开始的机器学习。机器学习模型和算法的裸露NumPy实现重点在于可访问性。旨在涵盖从线性回归到深度学习的所有内容。
#计算机科学#Implements common data science methods and machine learning algorithms from scratch in python. Intuition and theory behind the algorithms is also discussed.
#学习与技能提升#Become skilled in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Generative AI, Deep Learning, Data Science, Natural Language Processing, Reinforcement Learning and more with this complete 0 to 100 reposi...
#自然语言处理#🤖 Python implementations of some of the fundamental Machine Learning models and algorithms from scratch with interactive Jupyter demos and math being explained.
#算法刷题#This repository is dedicated to building ML & DL algorithms from scratch
#计算机科学#deep learning from scratch. uses numpy/cupy, trains in GPU, follows pytorch API
#计算机科学#A tiny deep neural network framework developed from scratch in C++ and CUDA.
#计算机科学#Machine Learning algorithms implementation in Python from scratch.
#计算机科学#This project implements the machine learning algorithms from scratch and compares the implementation with sklearn.
#计算机科学#Machine learning & deep learning implementation from scratch, depending only on numpy.
#自然语言处理#Machine learning algorithms from scratch
#计算机科学#Bare-bone and simple implementations of few Machine Learning Algorithms
#计算机科学#Some Machine Learning algorithms implemented by me, mostly from scratch
#计算机科学#Jupyter Notebooks containing implementations of different ML models from scratch and with sklearn
Keras-style machine learning framework for Java
#计算机科学#A machine learning library created from scratch with Rust. It focuses on deep learning and neural networks, providing efficient implementations of popular ML algorithms.
#计算机科学#Simple and minimal Python implementation of Machine Learning algorithms and models.
#计算机科学#Development of a Neural Network from scratch to predict divorce in marriages.
Implementation of popular machine learning algorithms built entirely from scratch using Python and Numpy only.