First project for CVND: facial keypoint detection.
Replication of simple CV Projects including attention, classification, detection, keypoint detection, etc.
Codes for our paper "CenterNet: Keypoint Triplets for Object Detection" .
翻译 - 我们的论文“ CenterNet:用于对象检测的关键三元组”的代码。
✏️ Web-based image segmentation tool for object detection, localization, and keypoints
Real-Time Spatio-Temporally Localized Activity Detection by Tracking Body Keypoints
翻译 - 通过姿势估计和使用sklearn API进行级联推理的自定义人类活动识别模块
FashionAI Key Points Detection using CPN model in Pytorch
Code for TianChi 2018 FashionAI Cloth KeyPoint Detection Challenge
Pytorch FPN+ResNet+MaskRCNN Keypoint Detection
Papers for CNN, object detection, keypoint detection, semantic segmentation, medical image processing, SLAM, etc.
Pytorch - Interspecies Knowledge Transfer for Facial Keypoint Detection
Source codes of "CentripetalNet: Pursuing High-quality Keypoint Pairs for Object Detection"
Count pushups from video/webcam. Tech stack: Keypoint detection, BlazePose, action recognition.
Official implementation of "OpenPifPaf: Composite Fields for Semantic Keypoint Detection and Spatio-Temporal Association" in PyTorch.
翻译 - 在PyTorch中正式实现“ PifPaf:用于人体姿势估计的复合字段”。
SiLK (Simple Learned Keypoint) is a self-supervised deep learning keypoint model.
Hierarchical perception library in Python for pose estimation, object detection, instance segmentation, keypoint estimation, face recognition, etc.
🔥SLAM, VIsual localization, keypoint detection, Image matching, Pose/Object tracking, Depth/Disparity/Flow Estimation, 3D-graphic, etc. related papers and code
Solving SMPL/MANO parameters from keypoint coordinates.