COVID-19 Vulnerability Index
翻译 - COVID-19漏洞指数
#时序数据库# Detection and Prediction of Air quality Index :octocat:
this is my repository for the quick draw prediction model project
#计算机科学#LiFePo4(LFP) Battery State of Charge (SOC) estimation from BMS raw data
Web application for earthquake prediction in a window of few future days. live data collection from
#计算机科学#Forecasting Bitcoin Prices via ARIMA, XGBoost, Prophet, and LSTM models in Python
this is my repository for Amazon review helpfulness prediction model
#计算机科学#My solution for Quora's Question Pair contest on Kaggle.
#计算机科学#This is a Liver Disease Machine Learning Classification Capstone Project in fulfillment of the Udacity Azure ML Nanodegree. In this project, you will learn to deploy a machine learning model from scra...
Codes and templates for ML algorithms created, modified and optimized in Python and R.
Crisis incidents caused by rebel groups create a negative influence on the political and economic situation of a country. However, information about rebel group activities has always been limited. So...
#计算机科学#World Health Organization has estimated 12 million deaths occur worldwide, every year due to Heart diseases. Half the deaths in the United States and other developed countries are due to cardio vascul...
#时序数据库#Advance Time Series Analysis using Probabilistic Programming, Auto Regressive Neural Networks and XGBoost Regression.
The Complete Journey Dataset: Churn Prediction
#计算机科学#Classifying audio files using ML algorithms.
By using feature engineering technique and XGBoost algorithm to predict house price
#计算机科学#Using a Kaggle dataset, customer personality was analysed on the basis of their spending habits, income, education, and family size. K-Means, XGBoost, and SHAP Analysis were performed.
#计算机科学# I'm attempting the NYC Taxi Duration prediction Kaggle challenge. I'll by using a combination of Pandas, Matplotlib, and XGBoost as python libraries to help me understand and analyze the taxi datase...