#计算机科学#Reinforcement Learning environments based on the 1993 game Doom :godmode:
翻译 - 基于末日的AI研究平台,可从原始视觉信息进行强化学习。 :上帝模式:
C++-based high-performance parallel environment execution engine (vectorized env) for general RL environments.
翻译 - 用于通用 RL 环境的基于 C++ 的高性能并行环境执行引擎。
Reinforcement Learning in Keras on VizDoom
#学习与技能提升#Reinforcement learning models in ViZDoom environment
Implementations of Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms and Bench-marking with PyTorch
Direct Future Prediction (DFP ) in Keras
DQN, DDDQN, A3C, PPO, Curiosity applied to the game DOOM
OpenAI Gym wrapper for ViZDoom enviroments
Keras implementation of DQN on ViZDoom environment
#计算机科学#Continual Reinforcement Learning in 3D Non-stationary Environments
Experiment code for testing effect of various action space transformations in reinforcement learning
#计算机科学#Reinforcement Learning Tutorials & other bedtime stories in PyTorch
PyOblige is Python wrapper for OBLIGE - random level generator for Doom
😈 Train ViZDoom agents by Reinforcement Learning 👻
#计算机科学#A2C, ACKTR and A2T implementations for ViZDoom
Implementation of the DQN and DRQN algorithms in Keras and tensorflow
Solving games with reinforcement learning