C++-based high-performance parallel environment execution engine (vectorized env) for general RL environments.
翻译 - 用于通用 RL 环境的基于 C++ 的高性能并行环境执行引擎。
Adversarial attacks on Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL)
This is the pytorch implementation of ICML 2018 paper - Self-Imitation Learning.
A C project in which you can play some of your classic arcade video games from the '80s on the terminal.
reinforcement learning, deep Q-network, double DQN, dueling DQN, prioritized experience replay
Reinforcement Learning with Perturbed Reward, AAAI 2020
#计算机科学#Implementation of Google's paper on playing atari games using deep learning in python.
Unofficial Dark knight game for Atari 2600
Deep learning works for ADLxMLDS (CSIE 5431) in NTU
Reinforcement Learning on Atari Games and Control
Modified versions of the Soft Actor-Critic algorithm for Atari games from https://github.com/ac-93/soft-actor-critic.
This repository is the official implementation of the Hybrid Self-Attention NEAT algorithm. It contains the code to reproduce the results presented in the original paper: https://link.springer.com/art...
Implementation Deep Q Network to play Atari Games
JavaScript based tracker application that exports compositions into assembly code for Paul Slocums Sequencer Kit for Atari 2600
#计算机科学#Bots for Atari Games using Reinforcement Learning
#计算机科学#RL Agent for Atari Game Pong
PyTorch Implementation of Visual GAIL in Atari Games
#计算机科学#Works for Applied Deep Learning / Machine Learning and Having It Deep and Structured (2017 FALL) @ NTU
Deep Q-Network (DQN) to play classic Atari Games
The official implementation of Memory-efficient DQN algorithm.