Concise pytorch implements of DRL algorithms, including REINFORCE, A2C, DQN, PPO(discrete and continuous), DDPG, TD3, SAC.
A Modular Library for Off-Policy Reinforcement Learning with a focus on SafeRL and distributed computing
Deep Reinforcement Learning for mobile robot navigation in IR-SIM simulation. Using DRL (SAC, TD3, PPO, DDPG) neural networks, a robot learns to navigate to a random goal point in a simulated environm...
#算法刷题#强化学习算法库,包含了目前主流的强化学习算法(Value based and Policy based)的代码,代码都经过调试并可以运行
A Torch Based RL Framework for Rapid Prototyping of Research Papers
Simulation based Soft Continuum Robot Control via Reinforcement Learning
The simulation of paper: Joint Cooperation Clustering and Content Caching in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Networks
Implement reinforcement learning algorithms in Pytorch
Multi-agent reinforcement learning framework
An implementation of DDPG using PyTorch for algorithmic trading on Chinese SH50 stock market.
#计算机科学#Reinforcement Learning Tutorials & other bedtime stories in PyTorch
#计算机科学#La combinación más inteligente de Deep Q-Learning, Políticas de Gradiente, Actor-Crítico y DDPG utilizando PyTorch
A simple baseline for mountain-car @ gym
PyTorch implementation of the paper Overcoming Exploration in Reinforcement Learning with Demonstrations in surgical robot manipulation tasks.
Common deep reinforcement learning algorithms implemented using PyTorch, including DQN、DDPG、DDQN、PPO、MADDPG.
PyTorch application of reinforcement learning algorithm in OpenAI LunarLander - DDPG
Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithm On PybulletAnt agent.
Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients in Pytorch with Simulation in PyBullet
This repository contains an implementation of Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG), a reinforcement learning algorithm designed for environments with continuous action spaces. It features actor-c...
PyTorch application of reinforcement learning DDPG and PPO algorithms in Unity 3D-Ball