Verilator open-source SystemVerilog simulator and lint system
翻译 - Verilator开源SystemVerilog模拟器和Lint系统
FOSS architecture definitions of FPGA hardware useful for doing PnR device generation.
5-stage pipelined 32-bit MIPS microprocessor in Verilog
the project includes system design of a t intersection traffic light controller and its verilog code in vivado design suite.
A place to keep my synthesizable verilog examples.
Hardware description of a complete Ballot Box made in Verilog with implementation in FPGA-Altera-DE-2-155, made in Verilog with Quartus Prime in discipline ISL for computer science graduation.
Example to control VCS simulation with a C/C++ program. This involves VCS output a shared object instead of an executable (simv).
A playground based on the classic version of the Cloud V IDE
Digital System Design Verilog Implementation
A verilog program that mimics the circuitry of a 4-bit register implemented with four 4x1 multiplexers and four D-Flipflops
"Repository containing a collection of Verilog code modules and test bench for digital design projects. "
This Repository shows the implementation and results of various codes that I write in Verilog HDL
32-bit MIPS processor fully supporting all core instructions