Refactoring and linting tool for Scala
Rule-based MITM engine. Rewriting, redirecting and rejecting on HTTP(S) requests and responses, supports JavaScript rule.
🛠 hiproxy is a lightweight proxy tool for Front-End developers based on Node.js that supports an NGINX-like configuration. 🔥
Ambermoon rewrite in C#
JoinFaces: JSF Spring Boot Starters - JSF inside Spring Boot Application
Bubble icon、Filter、Rewrite、Scripts ; 🔨:Scripts and icons are suitable for Quantumult X,Surge, Loon
#IOS#Powerful and easy-to-use URL routing library in iOS that supports URL Rewrite(强大、易用、支持 URL Rewrite的 iOS 路由库)
Quantumult X,Shadowrocket,Clash,Stash,Surge,Loon,Quan X,QX, 圈X,圈叉,小火箭,气球,色鸡,分流,重写,脚本,规则,插件,IOS去广告,解锁 VIP,破解会员,懒人配置,懒人规则
Nginx Helper for WordPress caching, permalinks & efficient file handling in multisite
Discord bot for programming, runs code (600+ langs), queries/show docs and references
Super powerful structural search and replace for JavaScript and TypeScript to automate your refactoring
Open Identity Gateway (OpenIG) is a high-performance reverse proxy server with specialized session management and credential replay functionality.
Convert Visual FoxPro(VFP) code into python code