🔐 Security advisories as a simple composer exclusion list, updated daily
finds publicly known security vulnerabilities in a website's frontend JavaScript libraries
翻译 - 在网站的前端JavaScript库中发现公开的安全漏洞
#区块链#QuillAudits Smart Contracts, deFi, NFT, tokens,Dao , Dex and DApps Audit Reports
#计算机科学#AutoVAS is an automated vulnerability analysis system with a deep learning approach.
Checkmarx Scan Github Action
Security tools that you can inject into devops
LSVerifier - Large Systems Verifier
Docker Image Security Workshop for Best Practices
#安全#A Laravel package with an encryptable trait to manage encrypting database table fields
Wiki for common Security Vulnerabilities - Nessus Wiki
Dockerfiles, setup instructions, code and write-ups for hands-on exploration of Carsten Eiler's book "You've Been Hacked" on security vulnerabilities in web applications.
A project for exploring common security vulnerabilities in web applications
Security assessment of a RESTful distributed computing application. I acted as a cybersecurity consultant, identifying vulnerabilities and providing a mitigation plan. (Software Security course projec...
A Node app to save the contents of GitHub's Vulnerability Database to a JSON file.
technical exploration of cross-chain bridge vulnerabilities in decentralized finance (DeFi) systems. Cross-chain bridges allow the transfer of assets between different blockchain ecosystems but often ...