Partytown 是一个 JavaScript 延迟加载库,帮助我们将资源密集型脚本迁移到Web Worker 中,与主线程分离。
Automate running Lighthouse for every commit, viewing the changes, and preventing regressions
翻译 - 自动执行每次提交的Lighthouse,查看更改并防止回归
HNPWA - Hacker News readers as Progressive Web Apps 📱
翻译 - HNPWA-黑客新闻读者作为渐进式Web应用程序📱
Run Lighthouse in CI, as a web service, using Docker. Pass/Fail GH pull requests.
翻译 - 使用Docker以CI作为Web服务在CI中运行Lighthouse。通过/失败GH拉取请求。
finds publicly known security vulnerabilities in a website's frontend JavaScript libraries
翻译 - 在网站的前端JavaScript库中发现公开的安全漏洞
Automating Web Performance testing with Puppeteer 🎪
翻译 - 使用Puppeteer自动化Web性能测试
#安卓#📱⚡️ Lighthouse for Mobile - audits your app and gives a performance score to your Android apps (native, React Native, Flutter..). Measure performance on CLI, E2E tests, CI...
Progressive web metrics at your fingertipz
翻译 - 渐进式Web指标触手可及
Audit URLs using Lighthouse and test performance with Lighthouse CI.
Code & schematics for position tracking sensor using HTC Vive's Lighthouse system and a Teensy board.
Open Source Lighthouse Tracking System
nuxt-booster will help you to improve the lighthouse performance score (100/100) of your website. 🚀
#前端开发#a set of tools for measuring and debugging performance of frontend applications
Publish flaring fast blogs with Next.js and Ghost CMS
#网络爬虫#SEO & Security Audit for Websites. Lighthouse & Security Headers crawler, Sitemap/Keywords/Images Extractor, Summarizer, etc ...
This is a boilerplate/template for a Playwright-Typescript framework for web UI, API, mobile emulation, DB, and visual testing. Docker image, SonarQube, Lighthouse, GitHub Actions setup with Slack no...
GitHub Action for running @GoogleChromeLabs Lighthouse audits with all the bells and whistles 🔔 Multiple audits, Slack notifications, and more!
Analyze the impact of a browser extension on web performance.
Delayed hydration for progressively enhanced apps. Reduced blocking time and improved Google Lighthouse scores. ⚡️