#计算机科学#OpenCV wrapper for .NET
翻译 - 适用于OpenCV的.NET Framework包装器
A collection of samples about using OpenCV in .NET applications.
Demo of implement YOLO v3 with OpenCvSharp v4 on C#
#计算机科学#🍋 [WIP] Manga Translation Tool
A simple webcam control for WPF based on OpenCVSharp
.NET Framework wrapper for OpenCV 2.4.10
Implementation of YoloV3 and Caffe in OpenCvSharp
Video/Image processing project using Blob Detection.
An example to show using OpenCvSharp deal with find difference game's image.
Camera Calibration via C# and OpenCvSharp 4.6.0 and compare with python code. (2022)
An OpenCV application for measurement of the diameter of rings using a web camera
#计算机科学#This is a simple test using OpenCv DNN module load SSD model running in different language, compare their running speed.