🖼 PhotoFiremark hides a photo in another photo
Video/Image processing project using Blob Detection.
Computer Vision for Driver Assistance Systems with Emgu CV
#人脸识别#😃 Real time multi face recognition software using OpenCV and EmguCV written in C#
FFmpeg.AutoGen.Toolkit is a .NET library for creating and reading multimedia files. It uses native FFmpeg libraries by the [FFmpeg.Autogen](https://github.com/Ruslan-B/FFmpeg.AutoGen) bindings
#人脸识别#Live face detection application using web camera, C# windows application and EmguCV.
Image Processing exam for detecting circles in image or real-time video stream
#人脸识别#Face Detection on Unity using Emgu CV and ONNX
#人脸识别#A sample app for EMGU CV. Made with WPF. Simple and Easy.
This is a Desktop Application for Student Management system. The highlight of the system is the Admin Which uses facial recognition for Authentication.
This is a student management system desktop application that is secure in the way that it recognize face for admin login or authenticate admin through face recognition using emgu-cv.
#人脸识别#Driver safety and Drowsiness Detection System
#人脸识别#Windows 8 login manager with face recognition feature.
Object tracking integrating template matching with Emgu.CV
A utility for image feature detection based on OpenCV.