DroneBridge is a system based on the WifiBroadcast approach. A bidirectional digital radio link between two endpoints is established using standard WiFi hardware and a custom protocol. DroneBridge is ...
翻译 - DroneBridge是基于WifiBroadcast方法的系统。使用标准WiFi硬件和自定义协议在两个端点之间建立了双向数字无线电链路。 DroneBridge针对无人机应用进行了优化,是一个完整的系统。它是其他类似系统(例如DJI Lightbridge或OcuSync)的真正替代产品。
DroneBridge for ESP32. A secure & transparent telemetry link with support for WiFi and ESP-NOW. Supporting MAVLink, MSP, LTM or any other protocol
Yet Another Multiwii Serial Protocol Python Interface... for Betaflight, iNAV, etc...
Implementation of the MultiWii Serial Protocol (MSP) for MultiWii and Cleanflight flight controller
ROS Node for MultiWii and Cleanflight flight controllers
Controlling Arduino based MultiWii drone using esp8266
Simple and user-friendly Python 3 module for controlling drones via the MultiWii Serial Protocol (MSP) v1.
Transmitter and flight controller code for Arduino and HC12 Transceiver module based drone.
Wifi-controlled quadcopter project using RaspberryPi and Multiwii (Arduino) including live streaming and vision based autonomous capabilities through Aruco markers (OpenCV)
ROS2 Node for MultiWii and Cleanflight flight controllers
This rep is my first Arduino QuadX Using Mosfet IRL520n, IRLZ44N and Si2302 As Speed Controller (ESC) for Brushed 720/820/8520 DC Motor
Raspberry Pi Quadcopter and FPV Controller
A simple arduino based flight controller
Multiwii Firmware with additional sensors update
A F330 Quadcopter Project running a Raspberry Pi as the Processor & remotely controlled by an Android Smartphone App. Special Acknowledgements given to Richard Wendel for the inspiration of this proje...