Effortlessly transmitting Morse Code of chess moves to your butthole 💝
🌞 ~1.5Kb morse code library for all. 一个支持 Unicode 中文摩斯密码编码的 Javascript 库。
A fun little web app to help you learn Morse code on Gboard.
Translate text to Morse code and vice versa, with the option to play Morse code audio.
#计算机科学#Deep Neural Network for Morse decoding
All HF bands QRP CW/SSB transceiver
Inspired by Shekhar Gulati's "52 technologies in 2016", I've decided to set a goal of 52 Pi ideas over the next year.
Morse Code detection with eyes using Computer Vision
Translate text to morse code, but the morse code is emojis
#前端开发#Javascript libraries to process text: Arabic, Japanese, etc.
Text-to-Speech (TTS) demo web app that converts written text into spoken words via Morse code
Cross-platform amateur radio WPX CW contest simulator written in python, based on Morse Runner.
Encoder is a web-based tool that allows you to easily encode text into various formats, including base64, binary, MD5, Morse code, QR code, Unicode, URI Component, and more.
Morse Code Keyer, Bluetooth morse Keyboard, Touch paddle, morse trainer and wireless morse transmitter