An anthology of a variety of tools for the Persian language in javascript
翻译 - javascript中波斯语各种工具的选集
Number to string standalone PHP library with i18n. Drivers for numbers and currency included.
An advanced library for writing numbers in words (in Portuguese).
#自然语言处理#State-of-the-art, lightweight NLP tools for Turkish language. Developed by VNGRS.
Convert a number to an approximated text expression: from '0.23' to 'less than a quarter'.
Converts Numbers (including decimal points) into words. It also converts the numbers into words for currency.
convert number into words (english, french, italian, roman, spanish, portuguese, belgium, dutch, swedish, polish, russian, iranian, roman, aegean)
#前端开发#Javascript libraries to process text: Arabic, Japanese, etc.
Beginner level projects in Python
An amazing package to convert your number to bengali word representation.
#计算机科学#Android app to recognize multi digit number images and translate to word form.
The module allows to translate numbers into a text equivalent. This is important in the billing.
Persian tools wrapper for vue.js
Stringify any number into words, and parse number strings back to a number
golang number to words converter, currency to words converter. Supported languages: kazakh, english, russian.
⚡ Thư viện hổ trợ chuyển đổi số sang chữ số Tiếng Việt.
[AZ] Azərbaycan dilində ədədlərin sözlə yazılış təsviri üçün Go dilində yazılmış kitabxana. [EN] The library for converting numbers to words in the Azerbaijan language written in Go.