#自然语言处理#Underthesea - Vietnamese NLP Toolkit
Rhasspy voice assistant for offline home automation
翻译 - 用于离线家庭自动化的Rhasspy语音助手
#大语言模型#PhoGPT: Generative Pre-training for Vietnamese (2023)
#计算机科学#PhoBERT: Pre-trained language models for Vietnamese (EMNLP-2020 Findings)
#自然语言处理#A Vietnamese natural language processing toolkit (NAACL 2018)
A complete SQL dataset of Vietnamese administrative units, includes Vietnamese provinces, districts and wards
Vietnamese Analysis Plugin for Elasticsearch
#安卓#Hosts block ads of Vietnamese
#计算机科学#Vietnamese Text to Speech library
#自然语言处理#Vietnamese NLP Toolkit for Node
Userscripts collection
Leverage Deep Learning to digitize old Vietnamese handwritten for historical document archiving (Made with national pride in every single line of code): https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/quandang/nomnao...
VietASR - Vietnamese Automatic Speech Recognition
Bản dịch tiếng Việt cho Định hướng Lối viết JavaScript của Airbnb
Vietnamese Text-to-Speech on Windows Project (zalo-speech)
A Large-scale Vietnamese News Text Classification Corpus
#前端开发#A Vietnamese Anime page for my practicing ReactJS