Mesh parameterization / UV unwrapping library
翻译 - 网格参数化/ UV解包库
Tool that allows switching different baked lightmap sets on a unity scene at runtime.
In-browser lightmap/AO baker for react-three-fiber and ThreeJS
A script that handles converting Bakery RNM and SH directional lightmap bindings into a format that VRChat can process
Modernized Lighting System of Unreal Gold / Tournament (1996-1999) for Unity.
An OpenGL sample demonstrating path traced lightmap baking on the CPU with Embree.
Experimental in-browser lightmap baker (ThreeJS, react-three-fiber)
A Blender addon supporting asset creation for Halo Reach, Halo 4, and Halo 2 Anniversary Multiplayer
This is a 3d engine written from scratch in my last semester on the university (Spring 2009)
Example Terraria Light Engine in Python and pseudo code to implement in any engine.
id Software's Quake3 .MAP format compiler with BSP tree generation, polygon generation/optimization and bumpmapped lightmapping
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