Mesh parameterization / UV unwrapping library
翻译 - 网格参数化/ UV解包库
A guide to using modern OpenGL functions.
A simple way to pack and manage texture atlases for libGDX game framework.
TexturePacker 拆图工具,从 plist/json/fnt/atlas文件中导出图片。
An advanced sprite sheet packer and sprite annotator.
#计算机科学#Generate 3D meshes from a single 2D image using TripoSR, complete with manual geometry editing and texture baking support
🗃️ TextureUnpacker – a Node.js tool written in TypeScript to unpack sprite sheets packed with TexturePacker into separate sprites.
UGU: Unclearness Geometry Utility
Implementation of Least Squares Conformal Maps for Automatic Texture Atlas Generation by Levy et al.
Love2D runtime texture atlas; no external tools needed
A small script to convert texture atlases to different formats.
#安卓# OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering / game engine.