#博客#Demo: https://removeif.github.io/removeif-demo hexo-theme
Blog:https://removeif.github.io source code, modify from hexo-theme-icarus, simple and practical. Archieved !
Synthesizable real number library in SystemVerilog, supporting both fixed- and floating-point formats
A GUI menu inspired by some CS:GO cheats, notably: GameSense/Skeet (but not an exact copy). Early development.
SystemVerilog Logger
A package with useful functions for calibration and reweighting in survey sampling
Atom linter for Verilog/SystemVerilog, using Icarus Verilog, Slang, Verible or Verilator.
Sipeed Tang Nano: Fully Opensource Toolchain for FPGA Synthesis, Place & Route, Simulation and Download/Flash.
Go client for Cassandra Sidecar
A simple module to parse https://icarus-icsd.aegean.gr and https://sef.math.aegean.gr websites to get students marks or send requests to office.
Simple TUI viewer for VCF files. Verilog simulation visualization tool.