Calculadora Tk - projeto para incentivar iniciantes em programação a contribuir em projetos open source.
Add your any type of project related to programming! This is a beginner-friendly repository made specifically for Hacktoberfest that helps you get your first PR. Happy Hacking !!!!!
翻译 - 添加与编程相关的任何类型的项目! :octocat:这是一个专门为 Hacktoberfest 制作的初学者友好存储库,可帮助您获得第一个 PR。快乐黑客!!!!
This repository serves as a comprehensive catalog for tools and websites useful in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) investigations.
User-friendly web-based tool that harnesses the flexibility and extensibility of Kubernetes API, making container management accessible.
This is a simple python script that allows you to test run multiple discord bots at once.
PhoneDB aims to create a comprehensive database of every possible phone number on the planet.
This is a web application that provides predictions based on your name.
Simple web interface to display information about a Discord server's member count
This project allows users to read famous poetry from various writers.
InsaneIdeas is a simple yet powerful web application designed to spark creativity and innovation
Minimalist task management web app designed to help users organize and track their daily tasks efficiently.
This is a fun project that allows you to create your unique avatar with ease.
A web application designed to help you discover fun activities to pass the time and cure your boredom
Search for active Discord invites links by generating random invite IDs and checking their status
This is a simple web application where you can get answers to your questions with just a click of a button.
Welcome to WaifuZone, an interactive web application to explore and enjoy various anime-style images!
Yes, this is yet another weather site. I was bored so i made this.
Langton's Ant is a two-dimensional Turing machine invented by Chris Langton in 1986.
A web application where you can explore holidays around the world