Free Weather Forecast API for non-commercial use
Visualizing Weather Forecasts Through Landscape Imagery
#Awesome#OpenSTL: A Comprehensive Benchmark of Spatio-Temporal Predictive Learning
#计算机科学#A benchmark dataset for data-driven weather forecasting
Windows native weather app powered by DirectX12 animations
#安卓#Alarm clock with weather forecast 一款具有天气提醒功能的闹钟
一款简约风格的 flutter 天气项目,提供实时、多日、24 小时、台风路径以及生活指数等服务,支持定位、删除、搜索等操作。
🏠Configuration de Home Assistant en français. 👨🏻💻 N'hésitez pas à ⭐ mon repo et à copier les bonnes idées ! 🇨🇵
#时序数据库#Open weather data for humans.
Community discussion and documentation for the NWS API
PyTorch-Code for the Paper "SmaAt-UNet: Precipitation Nowcasting using a Small, Attentive UNet-Architecture"
🌍 A Collection of Awesome Large Weather Models (LWMs) | AI for Earth (AI4Earth) | AI for Science (AI4Science)
Deutscher Wetterdienst integration for Home-Assistant
🌧 A Telegram weather forecast bot based on the QWeather API
#安卓#One stop application for farmers. 📱👨🌾 It provides E-commerce, social media, reading articles, APMC statistics, weather forecasting, etc. This application uses the best technologies and practices a...
#安卓#🌸[Functional reactive programming (FRP)] 🍁Simple Android weather forecast application written in Kotlin, using RxKotlin, Retrofit2, Mosby, Room Persistence ❄️MVI Pattern with Mosby Library