Chinese Poetry Generation
Source codes of MixPoet: Diverse Poetry Generation via Learning Controllable Mixed Latent Space (AAAI 2020)
#计算机科学#Projects from the Deep Learning Specialization from provided by Coursera
#自然语言处理#Random fun with statistical language models.
Procedurally generated blackout poetry
A library primarily for stochastically generating visual poems from user-provided words
Using transformers to generate Russian poetry
#自然语言处理#Generate poetry based on text corpus input
#自然语言处理#use an AI model to write couplet with TensorFlow 2 / 用AI对对联
#自然语言处理#Recurrent Neural Network kullanımı ile farklı yazılı sanat alanlarında doğal dil üretimi gerçekleştiren bir çalışma.
Code for the poem.exe bot on Twitter and Mastodon.
#自然语言处理#Text-to-phoneme converter in French and poetry generator with neural networks
JumpSpark - A modern cookiecutter template for pyspark projects with batteries included.
Train a Long-Short Term Memory neural network to write the Poetry of Tang Dynasty
#自然语言处理#Automatic emotional poetry generator
Topical Poetry Generation - Making Topical Finite State Machine
#大语言模型#Keep your mind sharp and your nerves on edge with this mysterious prompt that will keep you guessing until the end.🤔