A full-featured and easy-to-use web framework with the Rust programming language.
翻译 - 功能齐全且易于使用的 Web 框架,采用 Rust 编程语言。
『京墨』开源的中华文化宝典 APP,诗(词)文(名句)、汉字、成语、词语、歇后语、绕口令、传统节日、传统色、节气、人物等。
轻量中文押韵神器,100%绝对可用,傻瓜式命令行操作,秒速实现烈焰单押,闪电双押,龙卷三押以及海啸式四押,目前版本 v0.2.6。Search for rhymes for Chinese words, with 1, 2, 3 and 4 characters, released on PyPI with current version of 0.2.6.
LIMERICK Poetic License in the spirit of MIT and OpenBSD ISC licenses
#安卓# The Sea of Poetry is a valuable library of poetry of Persian great poets.
Generative poetry from a recurrent neural network filtered by emotional and external influences.