A website which permits users to manage their todo list by creating, removing, updating and deleting a new task. You can mark a task as complete.
TO-DO LIST (Made using HTML5 CSS3 and JavaScript)
A simple Todo List built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
JavaScript was used for this application. It became an online, responsive, to do list app that can save the tasks into local storage. Whenever user enters to the website, the tasks won't be lost unles...
To Do App build with the help of JavaScript
to-do-list using html, css and javascript
To-do list is a set of tasks that each render on a separate line with a clickable checkbox. You can select or deselect the checkboxes to mark the tasks as complete or incomplete.
To-do list web app made with Javascript for The Odin Project.
📋 Simple and intuitive To-Do List application built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Manage your tasks efficiently with this user-friendly tool, featuring task creation, deletion, and real-time update...
One of the most important reasons you should use a to do list is that it will help you stay organised. When you write all your tasks in a list, they seem more manageable. When you’ve got a clear outli...
Minimalist task management web app designed to help users organize and track their daily tasks efficiently.
In this project, I design a simple interface for To Do List. In this user can Add Task, Edit Task, Delete Task and Mark As Complete Task. It uses Local Storage so there is no need of any database (lik...
A simple to do planner made with HTML, CSS & Javascript
Simple To-Do List Application This is a minimalist to-do list application built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project was designed to reinforce fundamental web development skills and can be co...
A very simple to-do list project.
The To-Do List Project is a web application developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for managing tasks and organizing daily activities.
🗓️ — A simple To do list built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.