Super Productivity is an advanced todo list app with integrated Timeboxing and time tracking capabilities. It also comes with integrations for Jira, Gitlab, GitHub and Open Project.
翻译 - 通过Jira,Github和Gitlab集成为程序员和其他数字工作者提供的待办事项列表和时间跟踪器
#编辑器#📝 基于 Vue2、Vditor,所构建的在线 Markdown 编辑器,支持绘制流程图、甘特图、时序图、任务列表、echarts 图表、五线谱,以及 PPT 预览、视频音频解析、HTML 自动转换为 Markdown 等功能。
WeekToDo is a Free and Open Source Minimalist Weekly Planner and To Do list App focused on privacy. Available for Windows, Mac, Linux or online.
The ultimate task management solution for seamless organization and efficiency.
#区块链#This is a personal challenge to create a mini html-css-javascript project, for 50 days in a row.
📝 React.js todo app with many features, including sharing tasks via link, theme customization and offline usage as a PWA.
🕘 Todo lists with stopwatch on each task
Organizador de tarefas (to-do)
To-Do-List javascript project
#安卓#A cross-platform To-Do list / Calendar application
A simple and intuitive To-Do List application to manage your tasks effectively. Features include task creation, editing, deletion.
Flutter To-Do List App with Firebase
TreeTime is a data organisation, management and analysis tool. A tree is a hierarchical structure that arranges information in units and sub-units. TreeTime uses linked trees (one data item can be par...
Companion repo for YouTube ReactJS Hooks/Context, Styled-components, Bootstrap, Node, Express, Sequelize and Postgres To Do List application tutorial:
In this new app I was able to correctly apply all the new things I learned, such as Webpack, ES6, exporting or importing classes, DOM manipulation, dynamic website generation, and sorting items, among...
A website which permits users to manage their todo list by creating, removing, updating and deleting a new task. You can mark a task as complete.