🌳 Web Development in Pure Python with Type-Guided Components.
My portfolio website built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
A complete book purchase website made using HTML/CSS/JavaScript. Don't just fork it, start it.
This is a fully responsive personal portfolio website, Responsive for all devices, build using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Voyager website: A space website that can be used as a template in the future for space-related topics.
翻译 - 航海者网站:一个空间网站,可以作为未来空间相关主题的模板。通过贡献来帮助它!
#Awesome#⭐ Awesome HTML Book & Course with interactive CodeSandboxes. Learn HTML online with pleasure.
Simple tic-tac-toe game built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Using html, css, js
一个拥有高度自适应设备尺寸的HTML网页 用于展示您所有钱包的收款码|多合一收款码|万能收款码|支付宝收款|微信收款|QQ收款|三合一收款码
This repo contains 👉🏻👉🏻***CODE***👈🏻👈🏻 and 👉🏻👉🏻***LIVE DEMO***👈🏻👈🏻 of 15 different cards.
Welcome to my portfolio! Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, this site is designed to load quickly and look great on any device. You’ll find multiple theme options to match your style, ensuring a uni...
🔊 A fully basic voice synthesizer in vanillaJS
Official Website of GDSC Asansol Engineering College, West Bengal
#前端开发#a beautiful Login page for all developers , you can use it in your projects :)
Manage Docker container, images, and compose files easily with a self or remotely hosted web interface
Hasslefree way to book your parking space with easy cancellations and timeline extensions. Beginner-friendly NodeJS Web Application.
Hasslefree way to book your parking space with easy cancellations and timeline extensions. Beginner-friendly NodeJS Web Application.