Benchmark comparing various data serialization libraries (thrift, protobuf etc.) for C++
Getting serious about Vulkan development with this modern C++ framework, battle-tested in rapid prototyping, research, and teaching. Includes support for real-time ray tracing (RTX), serialization, an...
Comparison of C++ Serialization Libraries for Graph Data
Cereal box identification in store shelves using computer vision and a single train image per model.
A simple & fast serialization library written for C++
A modern C++ network library based on asio for high performance network services
C++ 17 Schema Serialization Library
C++ Cereal headers as an installable Python package, for Cython
A serializable recursive variant for JSON-like data
A simple & fast serialization library written for C#! Ported from
#时序数据库#Laboratory on Algorithms for Big Data a.a. 2016/17 - University of Pisa
A convenience project to build and install certain open source libraries(and listed dependencies) using cmake external projects. See files under the cmake directory to learn about available options.
Примеры использования cereal - C++11 библиотеки для сериализации.
CRPS - cereal raw pointer support. Enables serialization of non-owning pointers which point to objects that are co-serialized by the cereal graph traversal.
Remember when you were a kid, and loved getting a big bowl of that cereal on a Saturday morning while watching cartoons? Franken Berry UI Theme is for you!