✏️ Web-based image segmentation tool for object detection, localization, and keypoints
First project for CVND: facial keypoint detection.
Real-Time Spatio-Temporally Localized Activity Detection by Tracking Body Keypoints
翻译 - 通过姿势估计和使用sklearn API进行级联推理的自定义人类活动识别模块
face keypoints deteciton based on stackedhourglass
AIND, computer vision capstone project. This repo contains starting code for an end-to-end facial keypoint recognition system that relies on a combination of computer vision and deep learning techniqu...
Facial keypoints extraction using Caffe
Efficient 3D human pose estimation in video using 2D keypoint trajectories
翻译 - 使用2D关键点轨迹的视频中高效3D人体姿势估计
Full pipeline for TianChi FashionAI clothes keypoints detection compitetion in TensorFlow
Tool to convert all labelme keypoints file to one single coco keypoints file
keypoints: java, springboot, vue3, pytorch, yolov5, deepsort
人体关键点检测Human Keypoints Detection
"6-PACK: Category-level 6D Pose Tracker with Anchor-Based Keypoints" code repository
KeypointNeRF Generalizing Image-based Volumetric Avatars using Relative Spatial Encoding of Keypoints
Face Detection,Template Matching , SURF , SIFT to detect features and keypoints in images .
A simple Matlab implementation of Bag Of Words with SIFT keypoints and HoG descriptors, using VLFeat.
[NeurIPS 2022] AutoLink, a simple and novel unsupervised approach to detect keypoints from single static images
This is a simple basic tool for Human Keypoints Annotation. Based on cross platform PyQt5.
[SuperGlue: Learning Feature Matching with Graph Neural Networks] This repo includes PyTorch code for training the SuperGlue matching network on top of SIFT keypoints and descriptors.