Router EXploitation Toolkit - small toolkit for easy creation and usage of various python scripts that work with embedded devices.
SOHO network simulation using Cisco Packet Tracer
Local Group Policy Software Restriction Policies Command Line Interface
#计算机科学#Open source coronagraph data downloader and calibrator
Bare-metal and Libvirt virtual machine spin up via Ansible for a 'SOHO/KOHO infrastructure' cluster, including mail server, groupware, and web hosting. The main configuration and management of virtual...
GEANT4 Virtual Machine for simulations of SOHO/Chandra EPHIN and Solar Orbiter HET
Bare-metal and virtual machine management via Ansible for a 'SOHO/KOHO infrastructure' cluster, including mail server, groupware, and web hosting. The virtual machines are presumed to have been previo...
The Sungrazer Project is a NASA-funded program than enables the discovery and reporting of previously unknown comets in the ESA/NASA SOHO and NASA STEREO satellite instrument fields of view. Here in t...
A computational model predicting the physical behavior of solar energetic particle events