Resources for remote workers: approaches, hiring page, remote life and more.
✈️ Conjunto de informações, experiências e burocracias para poder trabalhar remotamente para empresas do mundo todo
翻译 - :飞机:能够为全球公司远程工作的信息,经验和官僚机构集
A simple task queue implementation to enqeue jobs on local or remote processes.
Remote Jobs for Software Engineering
ESP32 based bluetooth mouse jiggler
Alicante awesome places to work remotely
Join the Global Remote Workforce Repository
A simple, lightweight python script that jiggles your mouse so your screen doesnt turn on or your boss is monitoring your "activity" while working from home..
Are you available or not? Using IoT to create a visual cue for remote workers that share a space with others so they know when to say hello.