Immersive virtual office built with Phaser, React, Redux, PeerJS, and Colyseus.
#区块链#这个仓库是由 Rebase 社区创建的,为区块链行业以及其他各行各业的企业和团队提供招聘信息披露机会,所有招聘信息都将在 Rebase 社区的所有媒体上进行发表。这都是免费的!
A list of companies or job boards advertising Remote Jobs.
⏰🤵 A Slack butler who will take care of the timezone differences in your team.
List of companies that hire security people full remote.
⏱💰Working Time Calculator app for remote workers.
ESP32 based bluetooth mouse jiggler
Software Donation Initiative — Empower people with the power of software
Get to know your co-workers better!
Script for turning on pc remotely via pfSense/OpenVPN
This is a repository listing companies which offer full-time remote jobs with Portuguese contracts
Join Google Meet meetings with the sound and microphone muted so you can use chat and hand raising in-person to create a more equitable experience for those joining virtually.
How from collecting data of an existing network monitoring tool (SolarWinds Orion Offline version) and Android SDK, it is possible to develop a monitoring mobile application (Android) and access the v...
Nikawal Application Package
A work-hours tracker
A work-hours tracker
A web app for calculating the impacts of remote working designed for both companies and everyday people. Done as a study project (Ohjelmistotuotantoprojekti 2020) by University of Helsinki students in...
A web app for calculating the impacts of remote working designed for both companies and everyday people. Done as a study project (Ohjelmistotuotantoprojekti 2020) by University of Helsinki students in...
#安卓#Android app that lets you explore the best practices and tips for improving the productivity of teams that work remotely.
#安卓#Android app that lets you explore the best practices and tips for improving the productivity of teams that work remotely.