cr.h: A Simple C Hot Reload Header-only Library
翻译 - cr.h:一个简单的C热重载标头库
An implementation of OpenGL 3.x-ish in clean C
翻译 - OpenGL 3.x-ish 在干净的 C 中的实现
match(it): A lightweight single-header pattern-matching library for C++17 with macro-free APIs.
A C++14-compatible physical units library with no dependencies and a single-file delivery option. Emphasis on safety, accessibility, performance, and developer experience.
Single-header, minimalistic, cross-platform hook library written in pure C
Unintrusive algorithms for C arrays OR a C implementation of <algorithm> from C++
Dear IMGUI + Render + Window handling, amalgamation in two files ready to use
A fully featured single header library implementing a vector container with a small buffer optimization.
Super small, simple, and C89-compliant single-header arena "allocator".
A utility for creating amalgamated single-header C++ libraries
printing everything including STL containers without pain 🚀
Rebooting the std::bitset franchise
Single-header library for printing anything in C (on Linux)
A simple one header solution for memory manipulation in C++.
Single-file FLAC decoder with a push-style API
A low latency oriented thread caching allocator for Linux/Windows. Single header & LD_PRELOADable.
Single-header LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) C Library, headerless compressor & decompressor (variable code, 9-16 bits)