stdgpu: Efficient STL-like Data Structures on the GPU
Library of flat vector-like based associative containers
翻译 - 基于平面向量的关联容器库
🚀 迷你跨平台JSON库 (A minimal Xross-Platform JSON read & write library for C++) Born in 2013, implemented with C++11 & template metaprogramming (TMP, type extraction) techniques, only 1500 lines, no extern...
Rebooting the std::bitset franchise
🦄 链式哈希 [LRU] Fast, header-only, cross-platform and STL-like linked_hash_map & linked_hash_set for C++. (beats 100% submissions @ leetcode) LRUCache
#安卓#Cross-platform STL-styled and STL-compatible library with implementing containers, ranges, iterators, type traits and other tools; actors system; type-safe config interface.
#算法刷题#HeaderOnly STL-like template N-dimensional R*Tree implementation on C++14
An implementation of STL for GameMaker Studio 2.
C++11 Library to implement bit string with similar interface to C++ Standard Library
a data structure representing a tree, implemented as a generic STL container
#算法刷题#Culib - library to work with CUDA using STL-like abstract types and algorithms
[WIP] A header-only, STL-like library for node-type data structures that are (probably) not natively supported by STL.