A racing game that runs in the terminal
翻译 - 在Terminal中运行的赛车游戏
🎉 Interactive games developed using Python for learning programming.
A custom open-source game engine on Python and Pygame, it is written in pure Python! It is easy and fast!
🐝 Terminal-based python clone of New York Times' puzzle game "Spelling Bee"
3D Infinite Computer Universe
PyBox provides you with a compilation of many such Python games, serving as a platform to, simply put, have fun. Ranging from pen and paper games like Tic Tac Toe to watered down and modified versions...
Simple Python text-based RPG for your terminal!
Tic Tac Toe game with GUI in python using Tkinter and also a restart functionality and displays which player turn now.
Python Tetris Game with pygame with a video tutorial explaining each line.
A simple space shooter from a parallel universe next door. It was built using Python and Pygame. The game is still being updated. You can control the player with either a keyboard or a joystick.
Socket-based client-server Tic Tac Toe game in Python developed using TkInter GUI toolkit.
Intermediate-level Projects in Python
PyShooter - Pygame
Exit.Code() - A Python game about Hacking.