#计算机科学#Python code for "Probabilistic Machine learning" book by Kevin Murphy
翻译 - 用于“机器学习:概率视角”的Python代码(第2版)
Probabilistic programming with NumPy powered by JAX for autograd and JIT compilation to GPU/TPU/CPU.
#计算机科学#A Python package for Bayesian forecasting with object-oriented design and probabilistic models under the hood.
翻译 - A Python package for Bayesian forecasting with object-oriented design and probabilistic models under the hood.
Telegram Group Manager Bot Written In Python Using Pyrogram.
A framework for hydrodynamics explorations and prototyping
#计算机科学#Functional tensors for probabilistic programming
Invariant representation learning from imaging and spectral data
𝒫robabilistic modeling of RNA velocity ⬱
[BMM 24-25] "Just Relax It": Implementation of different relaxation methods
Bayesian optimization of discrete sequences
#自然语言处理#Colab notebooks exploring different Machine Learning topics.
Userbot Pyrogram yg dibuat Hanya Untuk Bersenang Senang
#计算机科学#Deep Probabilistic Programming Examples in Pytorch using pyro
#计算机科学#Deep Learning Regression and Classification Library built on top of PyTorch and Pyro
Generate dynamic structural causal models from biological knowledge graphs encoded in the Biological Expression Language (BEL)
ARIMA time series implementation in PyTorch with optional support for Bayesian priors.